Prop 5 will allow local voters to approve bonds for affordable housing and critical infrastructure with a 55% vote – removing a systemic barrier blocking our ability to create more housing. With Prop 5, communities will have more power to build new housing, renovate existing housing, and provide more affordable housing options.
Social Media Toolkit
Graphics and text to make social media posts easy!
Messaging Toolkit
Language that resonates with voters. Use this guide to stay on message when advocating for Prop 5!
FAQ Guide
Here are ways to respond to some of the important questions about Prop 5!
Sample Newsletter Updates
Use these samples as you support Prop 5 in your existing newsletters!
Sample Letters to the Editor
Share your support for Prop 5 by submitting LTEs based on these samples!
Sample Support Speeches
Use these sample pitches as a guide for how to share your support for Prop 5!
Yes on Prop 5 Slide Deck
Use these slides to support your Prop 5 presentations!
Yes on Prop 5 Logo
- Please share our logo on your website to raise awareness about Prop 5!
Campaign Kickoff Webinar Slide Deck
- Check out the presentation from our kickoff event on September 6th!