
Over the past few years, dozens of public and private partners have been working together to advance the evidence-based strategies outlined in the 2020-2025 Community Plan to End Homelessness. Together, these efforts have helped us slow the growth of this crisis and bring us one step closer to our collective goal of ending homelessness throughout Silicon Valley. 

One Community Plan strategy that has received a growing amount of attention in recent years is centered around temporary housing and shelter, and since 2020, our community has taken several steps to expand and improve our community’s shelter options. Join us and several of our partners next Friday for our latest Community Plan webinar where we’ll take a closer look at temporary housing and shelter in Santa Clara County. This is a great opportunity to dive into key metrics, opportunities and challenges surrounding temporary housing and shelter, and better understand the important role that this type of intervention can play in the collective efforts to address homelessness in our community.

March 1st
12:00PM - 1:00PM
Online Event