
One of the key problems contributing to California’s housing crisis is that it is relatively easy for housing opponents to file litigation challenging housing approvals, and even a completely meritless lawsuit can cause years of delay in the building of new affordable housing. During this workshop, you’ll learn about an important legal decision that leaves in place the first published opinion affirming the authority of an affordable housing developer to require housing opponents to post a bond when suing to stop affordable housing.

Holland & Knight LLP represented SCANPH and our regional/statewide partners in getting this important legal opinion published, so we’re pleased to partner with two attorneys involved with the case to provide their insights on how the opinion is a powerful litigation tool for affordable housing developers and why it matters in our current legal and political context. Join us on October 5th for this informative session!

Session Speakers:

Daniel Golub, Partner, Holland & Knight LLP

William Sterling, Associate, Holland & Knight LLP

October 5th
1:00PM - 2:00PM
Online Event