June 20, 2024

San Jose Adopts 2023-2024 Budget with Affordable Housing Funding Competing for Priority in Allocation of Measure E


On June 11, 2024, the San Jose City Council voted unanimously to approve a budget that restored $11 million in Measure E funds to permanent affordable housing. This is enough for one new housing community, which will serve thousands of families over multiple generations. Thanks to the effectiveness of our collective advocacy and the leadership of key council members, permanent affordable housing remains a priority in the face of budget deficits.   

When the budget season started with the Mayor’s March Budget Message, it was clear that projected deficits and the costs of a stormwater permit strategy to aggressively move people from the creeks to temporary shelters were going to make it challenging to maintain funding for affordable housing within this year’s budget. The first Measure E spending plan included a “zero” scenario for affordable housing production.  

Seeing the challenge ahead, SV@Home joined with a broad coalition of community partners to engage in the first hearings in April, calling for a recommitment of funds for affordable housing. Hundreds of us made calls, wrote letters, and showed up in person for hours of public testimony, calling for council leadership and accountability.  And we did not let up. You continued to call and write, and the numbers changed as the city’s budget staff dug deeper, looking for resources.

When hundreds of us came out in person last Monday and Tuesday, we made it crystal clear that affordable housing is a priority for our communities in San Jose. We called for leadership, and leaders stepped up. 

The council voted unanimously in support of Vice Mayor Kamei and Councilmembers Candelas, Jimenez, and Ortiz’s proposal to review and prioritize funding for affordable housing during the mid-year budget review. Importantly, next year’s budget will begin with the allocation of Measure E funds prioritizing affordable housing production. San Jose recognizes the vital role of affordable housing in ending homelessness, and we will continue to work collectively to support comprehensive solutions.