VTA invites you to participate in the second community meeting for the proposed Gilroy Transit Center Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) located at VTA’s Gilroy Transit Center. The property is adjacent to the Gilroy Caltrain Station on Monterey Highway between 7th Street and 9th Street in Gilroy.
In February 2021, VTA held two community meetings to discuss the community’s vision for the site. Based on the input we received at those meetings, VTA prepared some conceptual designs.
VTA wants to continue this community dialogue, hear your feedback, and listen to your ideas on the conceptual designs. We are inviting you to attend our next meeting on Thursday, April 22st at 6PM.
The meeting will be conducted simultaneously in Spanish and English. Individuals who require other language translation are requested to contact VTA Community Outreach at (408) 321-7575/TTY (408) 321-2330, or email community.outreach@vta.org, by April 15, 2021.
Visit www.vta.org/gilroydevelopment for additional project information, including links to videos of the February meeting recordings, and to sign up for project updates.
We look forward to your continued participation. If you missed the first meeting, we encourage you to begin participating.
You can join us directly on Zoom at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87423857056?pwd=VWdPL01GSWkrcE5qbkkrZ0pMdFFOZz09
Passcode: 387257
Or One tap mobile:
Or Dial by your location:
Meeting ID:
874 2385 7056
To view the livestream, without participating, you can watch this meeting on YouTube: https://youtu.be/UR3ljzmqWmA