This webinar presents the HayWired earthquake scenario study of Bay Area communities most at risk of population displacement and long-term recovery challenges following a major earthquake. Displacement and recovery issues pertain to areas affected by ground failure, concentrated building damage, or protracted lifeline service restoration that intersect with socially vulnerable or mobile populations. Seven policy implications concern the quality and quantity of housing for all income levels; strength of infrastructure; land use, evacuation and temporary housing planning; and recovery management and financing strategies. This webinar focuses on post-disaster housing challenges and opportunities. A panel of experts in housing retrofit, affordable housing, housing policy, and regional housing plans provide their perspective on the study results and policy implications of the HayWired communities at risk analysis.
Why HayWired?
The HayWired earthquake scenario, led by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), anticipates the impacts of a hypothetical, highly detailed and scientifically plausible magnitude-7.0 earthquake on the Hayward Fault and its aftershock. The scenario emphasizes the myriad of physical, technological, and societal impacts associated with the multiple hazards and cascading impacts of such an event. It was developed to engage with and guide residents, businesses, and policymakers of the bay region in earthquake-risk reduction and resilience-building actions. Such actions taken now, before an earthquake, will help to save lives and preserve well-being, maintain functional buildings and infrastructure, keep people in their homes, and keep businesses open, shortening the bay region’s recovery time when the next earthquake occurs.
Learn more and view previous webinars in the HayWired series here.