
Front-line practitioners and subject-matter experts will be center stage at the 2024 State of the Valley conference.

The event has long featured thought leaders and practitioners in dialogue with sector leaders, as they unpack the information in the Silicon Valley Index. Typically this has come in the form of panel discussions and fireside chats.

But audience surveys have emphasized a preference for longer briefings and deeper dives into the subject areas. Accordingly, the 2024 event will feature two lengthy (one-hour) briefings, that will be punctuated by domain experts joining Joint Venture CEO Russell Hancock on stage.

The star witnesses include:

Tom Lounibos (Accenture Ventures), to discuss the health of the Valley’s innovation engine
Regina Celestin Williams (SV@Home), to add her deep expertise about our chronic housing shortage
Jasneet Sharma, Santa Clara County’s Chief Sustainability Officer, to discuss the Valley’s sobering climate realities
Leslie Bacho (Second Harvest), to discuss our stark income gaps, household self-sufficiency, and the troubling

The hybrid event emanates from San José State University on March 1, and though the in-person seating is sold out, an unlimited amount of streaming tickets ($35) are available. The streaming audience will have a clear view of the stage and the charts, and the ability to chat online and pose questions to the stage at San José State.

March 1st
8:30AM - 12:30PM
Online Event