
Join us for the latest news about the transformational 2024 Regional Affordable Housing Bond, and what it can do for our communities!

In November, voters across the 9-county Bay Area will have the opportunity to weigh in on a regional affordable housing bond that will bring as much as $20 billion to our communties, producing and preserving tens of thousands of affordable homes and building on the success of Santa Clara County’s Measure A. SV@Home and Working Partnerships USA are co-leading efforts in Santa Clara County to educate the public and prepare for the bond’s successful passage.

The November ballot will also see a critical constitutional amendment to lower the voter approval threshold for affordable housing bonds from a 2/3 majority to 55%- the same approval threshold that school facilities bonds have used successfully since 2000.

Join us to learn more about these two important issues, and the collective impact they can have in our communities!

SV@Home’s Policy in Action @ Home series (PIA) is a monthly, informal discussion convening Housers to engage on hot housing topics. Every month, we select a topic or current event, bring in an expert to give a brief presentation or interview, and then open up the discussion to ask questions, float new ideas, and identify potential areas for shared action.

SV@Home strives to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals, including individuals with disabilities, to engage fully. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please email

July 26th
12:00PM - 1:00PM
Online Event