
The Mountain View City Council will hold a study session on the North Bayshore Precise Plan, which is currently being updated to include a goal of 9,850 new homes and a minimum of 20% affordable housing units in the plan area, and establish a set of affordable housing administrative guidelines to support the implementation of theplan.  With the final adoption of the Precise Plan and EIR slated for Fall 2017, this will be one of the last Council study sessions on the topic.  SV@Home has been engaged in the planning process over nearly two years, and along with several partner organizations, we submitted a coalition letter in support of the Plan’s current affordable housing goal and overall housing unit target.  In addition to the coalition letter, you can take a look at SV@Home’s latest recommendations on the Plan’s draft affordable housing administrative guidelines here.

June 27th - January 1st 1970
6:00PM - 12:00AM
Mountain View City Hall
