Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley’s Board of Directors invite you to join us for the grand unveiling of the 2018 Silicon Valley Latino Report Card.
The 2018 Silicon Valley Latino Report Card stands on the shoulders of the original 2011 report card and provides an updated baseline about Latino quality of life in our region. We expect that this convening and engaging event and data will inspire engagement and fuel continued effective action to improve the well-being of Latinos – and the Silicon Valley region.
As with the 2011 report, this Report Card has identified serious challenges that continue to confront Latinos and threaten Silicon Valley’s long-term prosperity, but we know Silicon Valley leaders and our community has the will, resources, and strength to reverse some of the trends identified in the 2018 Silicon Valley Latino Report Card. With our region’s tremendous financial wealth and human ingenuity, we can control our own destiny and the future of Silicon Valley.
The time for action is NOW!