Campbell will discuss their response to the Santa Clara County Civil Grand Jury report that proposed specific recommendations for local jurisdictions to address the affordable housing crisis. The recommendations impact all jurisdictions and open up opportunities to take action on affordable housing policy in each community. In Campbell, we are recommending that Council consider implementing Commercial Linkage Fees (CLF). CLFs are charged per square foot on commercial developments and the funds are invested into affordable housing development. Unhindered commercial development creates significant disparities between jobs and available housing in the region. CLFs are one tool that cities can use to hold commercial interests accountable for their contribution to the the housing demand that is a result of the jobs created from commercial development.
The Campbell City Council is scheduled to discuss the the Civil Grand Jury report on Tuesday, September 4th. This is a great opportunity to come out in support of more affordable housing in Campbell!
The meeting agenda will be posted on the City of Campbell’s site a few days before the meeting.