On Tuesday, September 11th, the San Jose Housing Department is set to return to the City Council to request approval of a report that lays out a bond allocation plan for the $450 million bond measure on the November ballot, now known as Measure V—Yes on V, Affordable San Jose. SV@Home will be there to support affordable housing for working families, seniors, people with disabilities, unhoused residents, and other populations struggling to find affordable housing in this incredibly expensive city.
The San Jose City Council is also scheduled to discuss the Santa Clara County Civil Grand Jury report on the 11th. All of the cities in the county have been agendizing their responses to the Civil Grand Jury report, which proposes specific recommendations for each city to address the affordable housing crisis. The recommendations impact all jurisdictions and open up opportunities to take action on affordable housing policy in each community.
One of the Grand Jury’s recommendations is for the City to take action to establish a Commercial Linkage Fee, a source that all other large cities in the County have adopted. This is a great opportunity to come out in support of more affordable housing in San Jose!
The meeting agenda will be posted on the City of San Jose’s site on Friday, September 1st.