
Meeting Purpose and Outcomes

•Updates on the Community Engagement program for the Diridon Station Area and theDiridon Integrated Station Concept Plan.
•Presentation on the Development Agreement and design review processes for Google’sproposed Downtown West Mixed-use Plan.

Live streaming of this meeting will be available at Please refer to the SAAG webpage for materials sent to the SAAG prior to this meeting.

I.Welcome and Introductions

II.Meeting Minutes for SAAG Meeting on August 22, 2019
Recommendation: Approve the meeting minutes from the August 22, 2019 meeting.

III.Community Engagement Update
City staff will report back on the community engagement activities completed in Fall 2019,including Small Group Meetings of the SAAG. Staff’s presentation will address what weheard and what we are doing with the input, answers to some commonly-asked questions, anda preview of the year ahead. Following the presentation, the SAAG will have opportunity toask questions.

IV.Google’s Downtown West Mixed-use Plan
City staff will provide an update on the Google project, focusing on the process fordeveloping the Community Benefits Plan to be included in the Development Agreement andon the design review process for the proposed development, including Design Standards andGuidelines. Following the presentation, the SAAG will have opportunity to ask question sand provide comments.

V.Diridon Integrated Station Concept Plan Update
City staff will provide a brief update on the status of the Concept Plan and next steps.Following the presentation, the SAAG will have opportunity to ask questions.

IV. Public Comment

January 16th
6:00PM - 9:00PM
City Hall - WIng Rooms 118-120
200 East Santa Clara Street
San Jose CA, 95113