During Phase 1 of the process, the Partner Agencies worked with their consultant team to develop a Concept Layout for the station. Staff presented the Concept Layout to City Council on December 3, 2019 and requested direction on three “big moves” for advancing into Phase 2 of the Concept Plan process. City Council accepted staff’s recommendations to move forward with elevated platforms and two concourses with multiple access points, but requested a study session to further discuss and investigate staff’s recommendation to utilize the existing rail corridor for the track approaches.
At the January 28th Study Session, councilmembers will hear about and explore all options for both the northern and southern approaches to the future station, including the I-280/SR-87 viaduct option. There will also be opportunity for public comments. The City Council will not take an action on staff’s recommendation at this meeting; this action is anticipated for the February 4th City Council meeting. The study session will be held in the City Hall Council Chambers and is anticipated to start at or after 6:00 pm (see full agenda). Click here to view the staff memo and here for the December 3 City Council materials.