Candice Gonzalez is the Chief Housing Officer and a Managing Director of Sand Hill Property Company. She oversees the company’s residential developments, including mixed-use, mixed-income, and 100% affordable housing, as SHP pivots towards developing, building, and managing housing for all income levels.
Prior to joining SHP in September of 2018, Candice was CEO & President of Palo Alto Housing Corporation for over 10 years. PAHC is an affordable housing developer, builder, and manager in Silicon Valley. Candice led PAHC’s significant organizational expansion, housing thousands of individuals and families. Before joining PAHC, Candice worked as a real estate attorney and broker for 10 years, primarily working with low-to-moderate income customers. As a first-generation immigrant from the Philippines, Candice knows firsthand what it means to be housing insecure and what housing stability can do for a family. As a beneficiary of affordable housing in their early years in the United States, it allowed Candice and her three sisters to focus on hard work and education.
Candice currently serves on the board of SV@Home, the Housing Trust Silicon Valley and the Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce. She has been honored with several awards, including the 2017 Women of Influence Award by the Silicon Valley Business Journal and the 2016 Athena Emerging Professional Award by the Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce. Candice received her BA from U.C. Berkeley and her J.D. from UCLA School of Law. She resides in Palo Alto with her husband and three little kids.