Victor was born in Mexico and raised in Oakland, CA. As a teen, he became involved in Youth Together and found his love for community organizing. At Skyline High School, he organized against unjust discipline practices and pushed for alternatives to suspension that resulted in the creation of the One Land One People Youth Center. He joined SOMOS Mayfair with experience as a former youth case manager, after school coordinator, and a grassroots community organizer. Victor Vasquez serves as Co-Executive Director at SOMOS Mayfair alongside Saul Ramos.
SOMOS Mayfair’s mission is to support children, organize families, and connect neighbors to uplift the dreams, power, and leadership of the community and address systemic inequities. Victor oversees community impact programs (Family Resource Centers, Community Leadership and Community organizing) and strategic initiatives including the Si Se Puede Collective. Victor has held multiple positions at SOMOS Mayfair over his 10 year tenure. During this tenure, Victor organized with grassroot leaders to win campaigns to secure full time translators for Alum Rock School District (ARUSD) families, shifted policy and funding away from punitive disciplinary measures which lead to the creation of a Social Emotional Learning Department. He also secured Ethnic Studies for elementary and middle school students and removed policy officers from all ARUSD schools. Victor also led efforts with the City of San Jose to develop and pass the City’s Anti-Displacement plan. Victor has organized for renter protections, organized families to secure the multi-million dollar Google community benefits package, and led the Coalition to Shut down the Reid Hill-view Airport. Victor received the 2023 Cesar Chavez Award by the NAACP San Jose Chapter for his commitment to social justice in the Silicon Valley. Victor holds a master’s degree in Mexican American/Chican@ Studies from San Jose State University and a BA in Ethnic Studies from the University of California, Berkeley.