1265 Montecito, Mountain View


If approved, 1265 Montecito Ave. will bring a new 100% affordable multifamily development to Mountain View consisting of one 5-story building with 4-stories of 82 residential apartments above a one-story parking structure with common areas. Charities Housing’s project is 0.5 miles from transit making it eligible for a AB 1763 density bonus.

The project is working towards 2022 entitlements with a planned mix of units restricted to families making between 25% to 60% area median income (AMI), including units available for ELI families, veterans, and rapid rehousing. On-site services and amenities will include a Community Room available to the public, gardens and common areas, resident services, private storage, bicycle parking, and a food pantry.

To make this project a reality, the City will need to approve a General Plan Amendment to convert the property from CN to R-4 which involves several meetings open to the public; join SV@Home in telling the City Council that you support this opportunity for new affordable homes in Mountain View!