
Bay Area local governments and residents are invited by the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) to comment on the Proposed Methodology and Subregional Share of 6th Cycle of the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) process. Under this process, the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) identifies the total number of homes for which each region in California must plan in order to meet the housing needs of people at all income levels over an eight-year period. ABAG is responsible for developing a methodology to allocate a portion of this housing need to every local government in the Bay Area. In turn, each local government must update its Housing Element to demonstrate the sites, policies, and strategies necessary to meet the community’s housing needs.

Join housers from around the Bay Area to advocate for methodology 8A with the Plan Bay Area 2050 Projected Households baseline. This allocates 70% of the low and very low-income units based on high opportunity areas and 15% each to proximity to jobs for transit and autos. For moderate and above moderate income units the allocation was based 40% on high opportunity areas and 60% on auto proximity to jobs. Methodology 8A for allocating the region’s housing need takes into account existing need for homes and the statutory requirements for equity in the way homes are allocated. Methodology 8A is also the plan that the Methodology Committee, a large group of elected officials and stakeholders from around the Bay Area, hammered out over nearly a year of meetings. Learn more here, and come prepared to give a 1-2 minute public comment!

The meeting Zoom link and accessibility instructions will be posted to: no less than 72
hours prior to the hearing.

November 19th
6:30PM - 9:30PM
Online Meeting