Hello Government and Community Leaders,
We need your input. Over the next eight months, the San José Housing Department will work closely with the Santa Clara County Office of Supportive Housing, the Santa Clara County Housing Authority, 13 cities, and a consultant to develop an Assessment of Fair Housing. San José will develop its own Assessment that will include regional and local data. This is significant, because it will be the first time San José has conducted an in-depth study on the extent and impacts of segregation.
To make this plan meaningful, we need your help. Please join us for a project briefing, and then consider participating on the advisory committee, hosting focus groups, or assisting with outreach in other ways. Thank you in advance for your willingness to engage on this important work.
This assessment will rely on broad stakeholder input and data analysis. It will identify integration and segregation patterns, racially and ethnically concentrated areas of poverty, disparities in access to opportunity, groups with disproportionate housing needs, groups at disproportionate risk of displacement and more. The Assessment will identify contributing factors for fair housing issues, set measurable goals to address these issues, and commit to actions that advance these goals. The Assessment will help inform how San José spends its federal entitlement dollars and how its policies influence access to good schools, high-quality transit, and proximity to jobs, parks and other amenities.
Please contact Jacklyn Joanino at jacklyn.joanino@sanjoseca.gov or 408-794-7472 with any questions.
Jacky Morales-Ferrand
Director, Housing Department |