
The City of San José has scheduled two additional public meetings on the Draft Plan. The webinars will take place on Friday, March 18, from 11 a.m. to noon and on Monday, March 21, from 6 to 7 p.m. To RSVP for one or both webinars, please visit our registration page. The webinars are an opportunity to learn about the Draft Plan and ask questions before the public comment period on the Draft Plan closes on March 25.

The City is researching electrification, not proposing any requirements. The Draft Plan is a framework to encourage and incentivize the electrification of homes and businesses in San José. It offers strategies to raise awareness about the benefits of using electric appliances and the negative health impacts of using gas; encourage the growth of high-quality building electrification jobs in San José; reduce housing and energy costs through building electrification programs; and increase access to clean and reliable energy. The Draft Plan does not propose any mandates to switch out existing natural gas for electric equipment. The cost of installing an electric heating/cooling system and water heater in your home is typically less than the cost of installing a gas-powered furnace, central air conditioning and a gas-powered water heater. 

To learn more and read an FAQ, visit the BEP webpage. The webpage contains a link to the Draft Plan, the executive summary of which has been translated into Spanish and Vietnamese.  

To provide feedback, go the Public Comment Form. The form is also available in Spanish and Vietnamese.  

If you have any questions about the Building Electrification Plan, you can reach out to

March 18th
11:00AM - 12:00PM
Online Meeting