This webinar will discuss people with disabilities and the aging population in California. It will look at the barriers to accessing safe and affordable housing, and fair housing choice for this demographic.
The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is updating California’s fair housing plan, also known as the Analysis of Impediments (AI) to fair housing choice (background information included below).
On January 4, 2024, HCD held the fair housing plan kick-off webinar, which provided an overview of HCD’s duty to affirmatively further fair housing, current fair housing trends and existing conditions, and planned outreach and engagement. Beginning January 31, 2024, through March 5, 2024; HCD will hold six topic-specific listening sessions. Each session will provide a brief overview of the current fair housing trends and existing conditions, questions HCD would like participants to answer, and time for participants to provide their feedback and lived experiences.
Reasonable Accommodations Individuals who require auxiliary aids, services, or sign language interpreters for HCD meetings should contact Spring Packard, Americans with Disabilities Act Responsible Employee, at (916) 776-7723 or or contact Relay California at 800-735-2929 at least three business days before the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
Non-English-speaking individuals who require interpreters for meetings should contact Spring Packard by phone at (916) 776-7723 or by email at at least three days before the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Questions? For questions, please email HCD’s AI fair housing team at