
Livable Sunnyvale is a new and fast growing coalition of individuals and organizations that are working together toward a more vibrant, inclusive, and people-friendly Sunnyvale. Livable Sunnyvale educates and activate residents and office-holders to secure an environmentally sustainable future with broadly shared prosperity and a high quality of life. Members of the coalition include Friends of Caltrain, Greenbelt Alliance, Sunnyvale Cool, the Sunnyvale Democratic Club’s Affordable Housing Committee, Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition, SV@Home, and TransForm.

The organization is growing fast and has recently formalized its communications and committee structure, including a renter’s issues committee. The June meeting will feature a guest speaker from SV@Home as well as Sunnyvale Councilmember Larry Klein, who will talk about the rental situation in Sunnyvale. The group will also be voting on moving forward with a renters’ issues forum for late August.

June 20th
7:00PM - 9:00PM
Toyota Sunnyvale Showroom Conference Room
