
New Village Center developments have been proposed at two North Sunnyvale shopping centers:
• Fair Oaks Center on Duane (Taj Mahal Fresh Market and Tia Juana restaurant)
• Lakewood Shopping Center (Lawrence Expy and Lakehaven Drive)
These developments would provide much-needed housing, but would remove a significant amount of retail from North Sunnyvale.

We will discuss details of the proposed developments and possible impact on these communities.

Other Topics:
• Update on Fremont Union High School District Trustee Area maps
• Update on SVHopper Shuttle for Sunnyvale.
We look forward to seeing you there whether in-person or online

Register via Zoom: Zoom meeting registration

April 10th
6:30PM - 8:00PM
Hybrid: Zoom or Sunnyvale Community Services, Community Room- 1160 Kern Ave, Sunnyvale, CA