On December 11th, the Mountain View City Council is set to consider the demolition of a modest 20-unit apartment building at 2005 Rock Street and its replacement with 15 for-sale townhouses and rowhouses.
At a time when the region faces a serious undersupply of housing, SV@Home agrees that it is appropriate in some circumstances to redevelop low-density housing developments to replace older, outdated buildings and achieve more density. However, in this particular case, the proposed development actually would reduce the number of units by 25%. And, importantly, it would eliminate 20 naturally occurring affordable rental homes.
Not only do the apartments at 2005 Rock Street serve lower-income households for whom there are not enough deed restricted opportunities, they are often the only housing options for missing-middle households that earn too much to qualify for deed restricted affordable housing and not enough to afford the new high-rent apartments being built in Mountain View.
SV@Home is asking the City Council to send this project back to the drawing board. Additionally, we are urging the Council to schedule consideration of a moratorium on the demolition of naturally occurring affordable apartments to give staff time to consider options that would promote preservation or ensure that replacement housing promotes density.
The agenda for the meeting will be posted on the city’s site in advance of the meeting.