The pandemic has created an opportunity for many government agencies and private businesses to try new ideas to address the national shortage of affordable housing. One such welcomed policy opportunity has been a conversion strategy to create more units of deeply affordable housing. While many states and localities have leased space in hotels/motels to provide shelter for people experiencing homelessness during the pandemic, several states are finding opportunities to acquire and convert some of these spaces into permanent housing, using federal, state and local resources.
In this webinar, experts from across of the county will talk about their motel/hotel conversion programs: what it took politically and practically, what policy changes were needed, and what opportunities lie ahead to use additional federal resources for this purpose.
Webinar speakers:
Richard Gentry, San Diego Housing Commission
Megan Loeb, Oregon Community Foundation
Rep. Pam Marsh, Oregon 5th District
Michael Monte, Champlain Housing Trust
Lourdes Castro Ramírez, California Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency
Mary Tingerthal, Tingerthal Group LLC