
We are proud to feature three brilliant authors who have helped create reports on local histories in the San Francisco Bay Area and Hartford, Connecticut. They will not only share their stories, but also share their processes and methods. We will also get into the nuts and bolts of how to create your own histories, how to find data, and how to collaborate for greater impact. This event will tell stories in the hopes of inspiring more people and organizations to undertake such efforts in their own communities.


Susan Eaton, Professor of Practice in Social Policy at Brandeis University; author of A Steady Habit of Segregation: The Legacy and Continuing Harm of Residential Segregation in the Hartford, Ct. Region.

Rasheed El Shabazz, journalist, photographer and historian; co-author of ‘Alameda is our Home’: African Americans and the Struggle for Housing in Alameda, California, 1860-present

Nicole Montojo, Housing Research Analyst for the Othering & Belonging Institute; co-author of Roots, Race, & Place: A History of Racially Exclusionary Housing in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Sarah Crowell (moderator), Artistic Director Emeritus, Destiny Arts Center; Strategic Partnerships, Othering & Belonging Institute

March 30th
11:00AM - 1:00PM
Online Event