Coming Together:
Can We Agree on How to Respond to our Housing Crisis?
The Bay Area’s housing market continues to be challenging, with demand outstripping supply and housing prices out of reach for the majority of our residents. Surveys show that Silicon Valley employers and residents agree that responding to the lack of affordable housing options should be a top priority. In the South Bay, voters took bold action, approving $950 million in new funding for affordable housing construction.
Yet there are a variety of opinions about how best to respond to the housing crisis. While we’ve always faced NIMBY opposition to development, we now find that YIMBYs have differing opinions about how to approach affordable housing. Some think the answer is supply, some think the answer is to focus only on affordable development, and others think the answer is both. Governor Brown floated a “by-right” housing proposal last summer that raised the hackles of many groups. Proposals have been floated to strengthen Housing Element law to mandate housing development. Some developers are pursuing new ways to reduce housing costs. What is the answer? What are some of the ideas floating around? And what ideas have traction?
Join us as we tackle these hard questions with a great panel of experts, including:
- Emmett Carson, CEO and President of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (Moderator)
- California State Senator Scott Wiener, 11th District
- California State Assemblymember Ash Kalra, 27th District
- Carolyn Coleman, Executive Director of the League of CA Cities
- Paul Nieto, Executive Vice President of Signature Development Group & 2016-2017 Chairman of BIA Bay Area
In addition to the great panel, we will also highlight the work of the Housing Authority of the County of Santa Clara as they celebrate their 50th year. It was March 13, 1967 when the Housing Authority opened for business, with a total of nine employees and funding for 300 families. Now the Housing Authority employs 145 employees, assists nearly 17,800 households, manages 2,700 affordable housing units, and partners with over 8,000 landlords! Join Housing Authority leaders as they make some big announcements!
8:30 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Formal Program
10:15 AM Panel Discussion
11:30 AM Event Ends
#ItsUpToUs, Silicon Valley: Affordable Housing Week 2017
The Policy Breakfast kicks off a week of events about affordable housing throughout Santa Clara County. Check out the full list on our website at