
Bridge Housing Communities Workshops

The City’s Housing Department is hosting four Community Workshops throughout the month of July 2018 to share information and gather community input on the development and operations of the City’s first proposed Bridge Housing Communities (BHC).  Participants will have an opportunity to:

  • Gain valuable insight into the City’s current housing and homeless crisis
  • Learn more about the efforts to end homelessness in the region
  • Receive an overview of Bridge Housing Communities
  • Share thoughts and concerns

Workshop Purpose

The purpose of the workshops is to share ideas and facilitate constructive conversations with engaged community members on the development and operation of BHCs.  The goal of these workshops is to provide opportunities for the neighbors, homeless residents, faith based organizations, schools, and local businesses to participate in the development process and to gain a better understanding of these unique communities.  The workshops are another step in the community outreach and engagement process with the goal of creating a more integrated BHC.  Workshops will be conducted in small group settings of no more than 50 people who have expressed an interest in participating in ongoing BHC discussions.


Housing Department staff and its BHC Partners will give a brief overview of housing and homelessness in the region and provide background information on the proposed Bridge Housing Communities in San José.  Workshop participants will break out into small groups to discuss:

  • The proposed BHC site plans and design
  •  Proposed BHC operations and services
  • Ongoing community engagement


Registration is required for workshop participation.  The BHC workshops will be hosted in neighborhoods adjacent to the top candidate sites to gather input from stakeholders within the immediate neighborhood (within a 1,500 foot radius of a proposed site).  Resident living in the immediate neighborhood will receive priority registration and half of the workshop seats will be reserved for neighboring residents of the two candidate sites.  If you would like to attend the workshop, please RSVP through Eventbrite (see below) or you can call 408-535-8234 to receive assistance with registration.  Workshop materials will be available on July 12, 2018.

Translation Services        

Translation services will be available at the BHC workshops.  Workshops will offer snacks and beverages.

  • For the workshops located at 1608 Las Plumas Avenue, Spanish and Cantonese/Mandarin interpreters will be available.
  • For workshops located at 2072 Lucretia Avenue, Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters will be available.

If you or someone you know require interpretation services different from the ones listed above, please call 408-535-8234 to request an accommodation as soon as possible, but at least three business days prior to the meeting. (Spanish & Vietnamese)

See our calendar for details and RSVP for the other 3 workshops.

July 26th
6:00PM - 8:00PM
Vietnamese Community Center
