
On September 22nd, San Jose City Council Members have the opportunity to move forward a set of policies aimed at addressing the housing crisis here in San Jose. Supporting the 10 policy recommendations that will be presented as part of the Citywide Residential Anti-Displacement Strategy action will offer much needed relief and support to our community. SV@Home advocates for all 10 policy recommendations to be accepted and implemented.

This is item 8.1 on the agenda, and will not be heard until after 6 pm.

City staff recommendation:

(a) Accept the staff report and approve the 10 recommendations of the
Citywide Residential Anti-Displacement Strategy.
(b) Approve workplans for the first three recommendations:

(1) Support Equitable COVID-19 Recovery and Impact Mitigation
Measures for Renters and Homeowners;
(2) Establish a Neighborhood Tenant Preference for Affordable
Housing; and
(3) Explore a Community Opportunity to Purchase

(c) Direct staff to return to the City Council with an update on progress
in 12 months.



How to provide spoken Public Comment during the City Council Meeting:
1) By Phone: (888) 475 4499, (877) 853-5257 (Toll Free), US: (213) 338-8477, or (408) 638-0968 ,
Webinar ID is 913 2537 8626.
a. Click *9 to “Raise Hand” to speak. Click *6 to unmute when your name is called.

2) Via Zoom:
a. Enter an email address and name. The name will be visible online and will be used to notify you that it is
your turn to speak.
b. When the Mayor calls for the item on which you wish to speak, click on “raise hand.” Speakers will be
notified shortly before they are called to speak.
c. When called, please limit your remarks to the time limit allotted.

[spacer height=”20px”]Additional Documents

City Staff Recommendations/ Staff Report

San Jose Anti-Displacement Policy Network Team- Ending Displacement in San Jose: Community Strategy Report

September 22nd
6:00PM - 10:00PM
Online Meeting