
In December 2016, the San Jose City Council directed staff to conduct analysis and return with recommendations regarding the following items within the City’s Affordable Housing Impact Fee (AHIF) and Inclusionary Housing Ordinance:

  • Re-examine the definition of a “dwelling unit” to clarify the distinguishing characteristics of a unit subject to the Impact Fee;
  • Proposed amendments to the AHIF Program that would allow developers of projects with deed restricted apartments to provide units onsite; and
  • Establish a methodology to modify the threshold size to which the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance applies to address for-sale projects with 19 homes or fewer.

At this meeting, the Housing and Community Development Commission will review and provide feedback on staff’s updated policy recommendations regarding these issues before they are brought before the City Council in the fall.

The meeting agenda will be posted on the City’s website prior to the meeting.

August 10th - January 1st 1970
5:45PM - 12:00AM
San Jose City Hall - Wing Rooms 119-120
