You are invited to the second virtual community workshop to provide input for the Pleasant Hills Vision Guiding Principles process. The meeting is hosted by the City of San José’s Department of Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement and will cover the same material discussed during the in-person workshop on April 25, 2024.
Please join us virtually on Monday, April 29 from 6:00pm to 8:30pm and share additional ideas for the future of the former Pleasant Hills Golf Course. Built in 1960, the course was closed in 2004 and has recently been considered by a developer team to be reimagined as a residential and commercial development.
This meeting, which will build upon Workshop 1 (March), will be interactive and conducted using Zoom, online video/audio conferencing platform. Meeting participants can join by desktop, tablet, or smart phone with internet connection.
The workshop will include a presentation describing the overall process, the results of the existing conditions analysis, and the major takeaways from the first workshop and public survey. The presentation will be followed by small group discussions where community members will provide their input.
This is the second of three pairs of workshops that will be held during this process, with the final pair expected in August.
For more information about the project, visit:
If you have any questions or comments, please contact: