
On November 18, 2014, the City Council adopted the Housing Impact Fee Resolution establishing the Affordable Housing Impact Fee (AHIF) Program. On November 10, 2015, and December 6, 2016, staff reported back to City Council regarding issues that were raised at the time the Resolution was originally adopted. City Council directed staff to conduct analysis and return with recommendations regarding the following outstanding items:

  • Re-examine the definition of a “dwelling unit” to clarify the distinguishing characteristics of a unit subject to the Impact Fee;
  • Proposed amendments to the AHIF Program that would allow developers of projects with deed restricted apartments to provide units onsite; and
  • Establish a methodology to modify the threshold size to which the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance applies to address for-sale projects with 19 homes or fewer.

The Housing Department will present staff’s updated policy recommendations at this meeting.

Due to limited space, please RSVP to Delilah Chavez at:, or call at 408-975-4431. Please contact Amy Chan at if you have any questions.  

July 20th
10:00AM - 11:30AM
Wing Rooms 119-120, San Jose City Hall
