On Wednesday, May 31st, Santa Clara’s Ad Hoc Affordable Housing Working Group finalized recommendations on staff’s proposed rental impact fee and commercial linkage fee, proposing the adoption of a $20 per square foot residential rental impact fee, a range of $20 to $30 per square foot for residential for-sale, and a range of $5 to $20 per square foot commercial impact fee. The final set of recommendations reflected many of that were supported by a coalition of housers — SV@Home, Abode Services, Habitat for Humanity East Bay, MidPen Housing Corporation, Housing Trust Silicon Valley, and Greenbelt Alliance.
These recommendations are tentatively scheduled to be brought to the City Council on July 11, 2017. We need advocates to come out to the meeting and express their support for the adoption of a rental impact fee and commercial linkage fee for affordable housing!
The agenda for this City Council meeting will be posted on the City’s website by Friday, July 7th.