Affordable Housing Nexus Fee Study Outreach & Meeting
The County of Santa Clara has prepared an Affordable Housing Nexus Fee Study. The study primarily recommends the adoption of an affordable housing fee applied to new construction on either a per unit or per square foot basis. If adopted, by the Board of Supervisors, the fee would apply to the unincorporated areas of Santa Clara County, including residential and non-residential development, including Stanford University. Prior to consideration of this study by the Board of Supervisors, the County would like to receive input from County residents, developers, real estate professionals, and other interested parties.
The Nexus fee study can be found here:
Please provide any comments, concerns, or feedback regarding the Nexus Study or its recommendations to Marie Walters. She can be reached at (408) 793-0549 /
In addition to accepting comments via email, the County is hosting three public meetings to solicit and receive public input.
North County – Palo Alto Art Center, 1313 Newell Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94303, April 10, 2018 from 6 – 8 PM.
Central County – County of Santa Clara Main Board Chambers, 70 W. Hedding Street, San Jose CA 95110, April 11, 2018 from 6 – 8 PM.
South County – AEM Resource Room, 80 W. Highland Avenue, San Martin CA 95046, April 17, 2018 from 6 – 8 PM.