This event is hosted by San Jose Conservation Corps + Charter School as part of Affordable Housing Month 2021.
Solving student homelessness through job training and providing affordable housing with tiny homes on wheels
San Jose Conservation Corps + Charter School (SJCC+CS) provides high school education and job training to transition-age youth (18-27 yo), however a third of its students are housing-insecure. As a result of the lack of affordable housing, SJCC+CS has develop a housing program to provide interim housing to its Corpsmembers in tiny homes on wheels. SJCC+CS teaches Corpsmembers to build tiny homes, leases backyards and places units for two Corpsmembers. The rent limit is 20% AMI or $500 per person, with half going to the homeowner and the other back to the program.
We invite you to listen to our virtual panel discussion where we will talk about how SJCC+CS was able to make this possible in backyards of single family, what the units look like and the wrap around services offered to help our Corpsmembers become self-sufficient.
The goal of the program is to provide emergency and transitional housing, similar to a rapid-rehousing model, where individuals can quickly exit homelessness or prevent homelessness.
In this presentation, SJCC+CS will give a tour of a tiny home and our general contractor and students will discuss construction process, site assessment as well as building certification and permitting process and take questions.
Please contact Mayra Mejia at with any questions.