America has been wrecked by the pandemic, and nowhere is the damage so clearly evident than in our cities. Many of the systems that supported these places, such as public transit, were fragile before the pandemic and are now on the verge of collapse. In addition, the elements that sustain urban life — like the service sector, retail, restaurants and cultural opportunities — are already dissolving away. And though the fear of a mass urban exodus proved less than prescient, a vast chasm still exists between those who can work from the relative safety of their home and those who cannot. But cities have always bounced back from disaster, and 2021 will prove no exception. The key question is how we can ensure that these cherished places will be recognizable when they do. Join us for a conversation between SPUR’s President and CEO and one of our country’s leading urbanist thinkers about the steps necessary to rebuild cities for all.
+ Bruce Katz / Drexel University Lindy Institute for Urban Innovation
+ Alicia John-Baptiste / SPUR