
The Build Back Better Act has the potential to help the nation grow, as framed by the White House, “from the bottom and middle out” by providing families with funding for childcare, expanding access to affordable housing, education and health care and enforcing tax laws on the extremely wealthy. If the law was passed, the Bay Area, with its vast income inequality, one of the largest unhoused populations in the United States and a high cost of living, would be able to make dramatic improvements to the lives of lower and middle income households. However, the Build Back Better Act is in danger of not being passed. Come learn about why this legislation is important for the Bay Area, and how we could use this once-in-a-generation opportunity to build a more equitable Bay Area.

+ Christa Brown / San Francisco Foundation
+ Melissa Jones / Bay Area Regional Health Inequities Initiative
+ Joanne Karchmer / All Home

February 8th
5:00PM - 6:00PM
Online Event