
In July 2021, SPUR hosted a conversation with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and local developers about the prime opportunities that exist for more successful and equitable transit-oriented development (TOD) throughout the Bay Area — locations that could house thousands of jobs and residents in communities around existing transit. Months later, the agency has developed new preliminary policy proposals for its updated TOD plan, drawing on rigorous analysis and years of research into best practices. Join us to learn what MTC is proposing, share your questions and concerns and help push the region towards more achievable transit-oriented development.

+ Kara Vuicich / Metropolitan Transportation Commission
+ Mayor Jesse Arreguín / Mayor of Berkeley
Justine Marcus / Enterprise Community Partners
+ Jonathon Kass / SPUR

Co-presented APA Northern California.

January 26th
12:30PM - 1:30PM
Online Event