In today’s rapidly evolving and increasingly unaffordable housing market, finding a stable and safe place to call home has become a monumental challenge for many. For communities of color, these challenges are exacerbated by a long history of systemic racism, discriminatory policies, and unequal access to resources. Join SPUR and Partnership for the Bay’s Future for a panel discussion exploring how a race-conscious approach to policy-making can potentially solve the current housing crisis, by addressing the root causes of racial disparities in housing access, affordability, and quality. The discussion will also focus on tangible solutions and strategies to advocate for meaningful and equitable change.
- Moderator: Geeta Rao / Senior Director, Enterprise Community Partners
- Mathew Reed / Director of Policy, SV@Home
- Wilhelmenia Wilson / Executive Director, Healthy Black Families
- Councilmember Eddie Flores / South San Francisco