SPUR San Jose
12:30 p.m. | Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Photo by Flickr user Geoff.
In 2014, The Urbanist ran an article titled “The Real Cost of Building Housing,” which looked at the exorbitant cost of construction in San Francisco. Over the past four years, these costs have continued to escalate across the region. Join our panel to hear how the situation has evolved and how it impacts efforts to address our housing shortage. Generously sponsored by Bank of America.
+ Mark Hogan / Openscope Studio
+ Mike Kim / Simeon
+ Steve Levy / Center for Continuing Study of the California Economy
+ Jitendra Pahilajani / Webcor
+ Carolina Reid / UC Berkeley Terner Center
San Jose, CA 95113
Free for SPUR members.
$10 for non-members.
Pre-registration is not required for this event.