Close to 100 people attended a forum hosted by Silicon Valley at Home (SV@Home) and Destination: Home at the Hoover Theater in San Jose’s Rose Garden neighborhood as part of Affordable Housing Week 2018, where candidates running to succeed Ken Yeager as Santa Clara County supervisor in District 4 discussed the County’s role in responding to the region’s housing and homelessness crises.
SV@Home Executive Director Leslye Corsiglia and Jennifer Loving, executive director of Destination: Home, asked the candidates what policies, programs, and actions they would undertake to tackle the region’s housing and homelessness crises.
Among the topics discussed were the candidates’ ideas for ensuring the success of Measure A; whether they would support using surplus county land—like the fairgrounds—for housing; and whether they would support the practice of redevelopment should the state legislature revive it.
By far the best question of the night came from outreach worker Anthony King of Sacred Heart Community Service, who asked the candidates what they would do if they found themselves homeless that night. The candidates were understandably challenged to respond.
For more information, see coverage in the Silicon Valley Business Journal and San Jose Mercury News.