Fellow San José Housers! We need your support next Tuesday evening at the San José City Council meeting when the Council will decide the future of Diridon Station. We need to urge the Council to approve Downtown West and a housing-rich Diridon Station Area Plan!
After years of community engagement and the hard work of many dedicated housers, neighbors, and community members, we must ensure all of the housing and affordable housing goals, plans, and projects that we fought for are included in the final package. On April 28th, the San Jose Planning Commission unanimously endorsed the staff-recommended Downtown West proposal and the amendments to the Diridon Station Area Plan. Now we need the Council to do the same!
The City has a tremendous opportunity to create a Diridon that includes thousands of new homes and prioritizes deed-restricted affordable units, all while taking action to respond to displacement pressures. The Council’s decision will shape the area’s housing future and set the city on a path to achieving its vision of a vibrant, housing-rich Station Area with homes for people of all incomes.
Here’s what we support:
- Google’s Downtown West proposal including 4,000 new homes, 25% of them affordable (1,000 new deed-restricted affordable homes!), and a $154.8 million Community Stabilization Fund that will provide real resources for affordable housing production, preservation, and housing stability/tenant protection in addition to addressing other community needs.
- The proposed amendments to the Diridon Station Area Plan, which would create space for 13,519 new homes across the district, 25% of them deed-restricted affordable.
- The City’s Affordable Housing Implementation Plan, which provides guidelines for achieving affordable housing production, preservation of existing affordable homes, and protections for vulnerable residents at risk of displacement.