
Building a Shared Understanding of Equity Work in the Context of City Government

• Purpose: To build a shared understanding of what equity work means in the context of local government, why it is important, and how to embed a framework that reduces inequities.

• Outcome: A shared understanding will allow us to lay the groundwork for a thoughtful, intentional, multi-year process of systems change that will improve outcomes for all.


1. Introduction
Introductory Grounding in San Jose’s History (Stephen Pitti)

2. Equity: Why it Matters? Why Race?
• The Role of Government (Julie Nelson)
• The Role of Elected Officials (Leon Andrews)

3. Shared Language: Terminology and Definitions
• Racial inequity and racial equity
• Explicit and implicit bias
• Individual, institutional and structural racism

4. Governments Role and Responsibility
• Local government commitments and examples from Government Alliance on Race and Equity, and Race, Equity and Leadership
• Preview of other city government efforts

5. Next Steps
• Public Comment
• Adjourn

December 13th
1:30PM - 4:30PM
San Jose City Hall - Council Chambers, 200 East Santa Clara St., San Jose
200 East Santa Clara Street
San Jose CA, 95113