Action Alert

ACTION ALERT! Save Measure E for Affordable Housing


Join San Jose’s ongoing budget battle to save Measure E for affordable housing

Next Monday, June 12th, at 6:00 pm, the San Jose City Council will be holding its second, and final, public hearing on plans to take Measure E funds, collected for permanent affordable housing, and spend them instead to operate emergency interim shelters. We need our entire community to come out and speak up to reject this short-sighted plan, and protect Measure E for affordable housing. 

In Person – Council Chambers – 200 E. Santa Clara St


The good news is that over the past weeks our continued pressure has had an impact.  More members of the council have spoken up against abandoning permanent solutions in favor of temporary ones, and Councilmembers Davis, Ortiz and Torres have put forward a proposal to keep Measure E intact and continue funding both affordable housing and interim shelter. We need to come out and support their proposal on Monday.

Sample talking points for public comment (expected one minute limit):

Good evening, I am __________, and I ask you to support the memo from Councilmembers Davis, Ortiz and Torres to Measure E for permanent affordable housing.


The homelessness crisis is a symptom of an overwhelming shortage of homes that people can afford. Interim shelters cannot solve that.

  • More than 170,000 people in San Jose live in households that pay more than half of their income on housing, just one emergency away from losing their homes.

Interim shelter is a temporary solution that only works if there are permanent affordable homes available to move into. 

  • The vast majority (86%) of the people who moved into permanent housing moved into subsidized housing. Housing which would be defunded under the current proposal.

Taking funds from permanent supportive and affordable housing projects is a short-sighted and costly mistake.

  • Every dollar of Measure E money invested in these developments leverages around four dollars of other federal, state, county investments. Outside money to fund local housing resources. 

Permanent affordable housing costs the city less than interim shelters – shelters are fast, but not cheap.

  • It costs the city more for two years of operations for an interim shelter bedroom than it does to support a bedroom in an affordable apartment for 55 years.

The City already has the money to meet its 1000 bedroom interim housing goals – without touching Measure E affordable housing funds

  • If we focus on immediate needs we can get to “yes, and” – more interim shelters, and investments in the permanent affordable housing that they need to work.

Permanent housing is the solution to homelessness. Measure E is our tool to increase the availability of permanent housing solutions for those who need them most.

This is a moment to call for a comprehensive approach and a home for everyone. We are looking to leadership within City Council to step up and recommit to real affordable housing and be proactive in finding funds for interim housing that do not upend the intent of Measure E.


Monday, June 12th, 6:00 pm

In person – Council Chambers – 200 E. Santa Clara St

Virtual –

350 W. Julian St #5 • San José, CA 95110 • 408.780.8411