The GOP kept control of the House of Representatives and gained control of the Congress, giving President-elect Trump’s party full control of all three branches of the federal government.
Adam Schiff was elected to become California’s junior senator.
Sam Liccardo was elected to replace outgoing Representative Anna Eshoo, CA House District 16.
We had a major loss with Prop 5, which would have made it easier for local communities to fund affordable housing and infrastructure (through a rule change to lower the voter threshold for such bonds from 2/3rd to 55%), not passing.
Patrick Ahrens was elected to replace outgoing Assemblymember Evan Low, CA State Assembly District 26.
Democrats still have a supermajority in Sacramento.
Betty Duong was elected to replace outgoing Supervisor Cindy Chavez, Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors District 2.
Margaret Abe Koga was elected to replace outgoing Supervisor Joe Simitian, Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors District 5.
All the results from city council races can be seen here, though some may be too close to call.