
This recurring online Action Meeting is for Housing Ready Communities partners, supporters, individual housing and homelessness advocates, and all neighbors interested in learning about and getting involved in the movement to prevent and end homelessness throughout Santa Clara County.

Most importantly, the meeting agenda includes time for partners and individual advocates to share relevant action and learning opportunities, including (though not limited to) advocacy needs related to supportive and deeply affordable housing developments and important policy initiatives.

Have an action item to share at the meeting? Bring it with you! You can also contact Bob and Ingrid at before the meeting if you would like to discuss. We look forward to hearing from you!

We will also briefly share important updates on policy wins, and progress toward meeting the goals of the 2020-2025 Community Plan to End Homelessness, and the 2016 Measure A Affordable Housing Bond, plus other timely advocacy needs and opportunities for you to take action.

July 14th
6:00PM - 7:00PM
Online Event