While homelessness is often perceived as the result of a personal or moral failure, a growing body of research has shown that homelessness is the result of entrenched, structural inequities plaguing our society. In this session, we’ll convene a panel of experts to dig into the systemic root causes of homelessness, debunk common myths and stereotypes and discuss the type of long-term change that will truly be needed to end homelessness in our community.
Panelists include:
Jeff Olivet, Executive Director of US Interagency Council on Homelessness
Tomiquia Moss, Founder & Chief Executive of All Home
Dontae Lartigue, Founder and CEO of Razing the Bar & Chair of the Santa Clara County Lived Experience Advisory Board
Dr. Margot Kushel, UCSF Benioff Homelessnesss Initiative
Moderated by Jennifer Loving, Chief Executive Officer, Destination: Home