Project Description: General Plan Amendment, Planned Development Rezoning, and Planned Development Permit for the development of up to 5,900 residential units; up to 7,300,000 gross square feet (GSF) of office space; up to 500,000 GSF of active uses such as retail, cultural, arts, etc.; up to 300 hotel rooms; up to 800 rooms of limited-term corporate accommodations; an approximately 100,000 GSF event center; up to two central utilities plants totaling approximately 115,000 GSF; and a logistics warehouse(s) of approximately 100,000 GSF; all on approximately 84 acres. The proposal also includes conceptual infrastructure, transportation, and public open space plans.
Location: Project site is generally bounded by Lenzen Avenue and the Union Pacific Railroad tracks to the north; North Montgomery Street, Los Gatos Creek, the Guadalupe River, South Almaden Street, and Royal Avenue to the east; Auzerais Avenue to the south; and Sunol Avenue, Diridon Station, and the Caltrain rail line to the west. The project also includes the area bounded by Los Gatos Creek to the west, San Fernando Street to the south, the Guadalupe River to the east, and Santa Clara Street to the north.