
Hosted By: City of San Jose: Housing Department

Description: A presentation on the Draft Affordable Housing Implementation Plan for the Diridon Station Area (to be published in advance)

Format: Zoom webinar; City staff presentation, followed by public comment period (typically 1-2 minutes per speaker), then questions and comments by the Commission, potential actions

Projects/Focus Areas:  Draft Diridon Station Area Affordable Housing Implementation Plan; affordable housing production and preservation, anti-displacement, renter protection

Language Access: In English, with interpretation upon request

To request translation or interpretation services, accommodation, or alternative format under the Americans with Disabilities Act for City-sponsored meetings, events, or printed materials, please call (408) 535-1260 as soon as possible, but at least three business days before the meeting.

Join the event and see meeting materials:

November 12th
5:45PM - 8:00PM
Online Meeting