
Plan Bay Area 2050 calls for a strong regional commitment for transit, housing, and equity. In order to reach these goals, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) are advancing an updated regional Transit Oriented Communities (TOC) Policy (formerly the Transit Oriented Development Policy) with guidelines for future funding of qualifying transportation projects. Updates to the TOC Policy could include requirements in parking management, station access, housing and job densities, and adopting affordable housing and anti-displacement policies. The TOC Policy could be a step up from the former TOD Policy, with deeper and more equitable solutions to bring both transit and housing justice to the Bay Area.

The joint Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)/Association of Bay Area Governments Administrative Committee will be meeting to vote on whether the Draft Final Transit Oriented Communities Policy should go up for adoption on Friday, July 27th by the MTC Commission. Materials,

Draft Final TOC Policy to Joint MTC Planning/ABAG Administrative Committee for action (materials posted on MTC website on July 1)

July 8th
9:40AM - 11:00AM